Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

How to use time well

Ours is a culture of rush, grind and burnout. It’s a legacy we’ve inherited from the Industrial Revolution, which coupled time with money, rather than money with output. But it doesn’t have to be this way . . .

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Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

You can’t afford to ignore happiness

Happiness might seem like a silly thing for a business to focus on. But there’s a very clear link between how your people are going, and how your business is going.

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Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

3 unconventional ways to get through the recession

The Governor of the Reserve Bank has made it clear - New Zealand is heading for a recession, or period of negative economic growth. It’s not a rosy time, but there are three unconventional, evidence-based, life-affirming tactics we can use to help us get out of this mess - job redesign, more flex, and reexamining the relationship between love, capitalism and Christmas.

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Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

Do you judge yourself for feeling sad or lesser-than?

The toxic positivity movement has pathologised normal feelings - so a bad mood often comes with a side of self-judgment. But there are a few powerful antidotes, like empathy, remembering to ‘HALT’, and laying down the b-s so you can be more real with others

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Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

Let’s make it so people don’t need to fake it

We need to stop telling people to 'fake it 'til they make it', while also talking about the importance of authenticity and 'bringing your whole self to work'. Those things don't compute.

What about we focus on 'making it so people don't have to fake it'? Here’s how to start…

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Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

Are your change efforts hampered by ‘cruel optimism’?

Change your life in 3 easy steps! Lose weight in 10 minutes a day! This kind of ‘cruel optimism’ suggests that socially-created issues can be solved by individual effort, and quickly. It’s a kind of magical misdirection that leaves us feeling worse, when we don’t manage to drive change. So what’s a better way? (Read on for more! Complete with real-world success stories! No, really, that’s true.)

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Renee Jaine Renee Jaine

A strategy for getting unstuck

Ever feel like you’re going around in circles, trying to decide a way forward? When it comes to getting unstuck, neuroscientists reckon you should pay more attention to what’s going on in your body, not just your brain

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